often times something happens in our lives, that changes us, maybe even defines us a little...........
I've had a many of those moments, and for the most part, I have hung my head high and refused to see the darkness, or unfairness in this world. I chose to FIGHT, I choose to smile, I chose to LIVE.
Not always an easy task but that's what I'm made of. I'm hard on the outside, ready to take on anything and everything,(my 4'10 self thinks so) but those that know me best know that my heart is pure, and hopeful and giving, and resilent, and brave, and kind, and freaking GINORMOUS!
I am not bitter but hopeful, I am not lost but always seeking to find my self, my TRUE self.
We never truly lose our way, it's the getting there that makes us WHO we are, and if that means that we question everything, and trust our hearts, then that pardon me does not make me a fool, but wise. I not only encourage it but recommend it.
My past does not define me...
my illness (hydrocepalus) does not define me...
my undying belief that love, and life means I will get my HAPPILY EVER AFTER! Defines me.......
Even if it simply means I never give up hope....
That my friends is MY freaking HAPPILY EVER AFTER.
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